
Aug 6, 2012

Mason Jar Picnic Pies

I'm sure you've seen these pies in a jar before. Someone out there was creative and thought to make personal pies in a jar that are also portable. When I saw this idea I loved it! I am all about mason jars and personalized and portable things.

Recently we had plans to take a picnic to a nearby vineyard to hear an outdoor evening concert. I decided this would be the perfect time to make these pies because they would be portable. No one thinks to bring pie to a picnic. So I set out to make mason jar berry pies.

Little did I know how difficult these things would be to make!! Here is the RECIPE that I used, but if you make these, I highly recommend finding a picture tutorial. I had trouble getting the crust into the jar, and then at the end with everything bubbling over the jar. It was messy!

Despite the mess I had with these mason jar pies and the fact that they did NOT look as beautiful as I was hoping, they were delicious. And functional. I was able to put the lids on these jar pies and throw them into the cooler for our picnic. Everyone was happy and excited to be eating their own little portable pie at our vineyard concert picnic. I may just make these again.

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